Side Effects of Eurycoma Longifolia

Eurycoma longifolia is a tiny tree or shrub that consists of leaves on its branch tips. It is usually found in either secondary or primary forests. It is also commonly referred to as tongkat ali. There are a lot of different uses for eurycoma longifolia as a herbal supplement. Some of its beneficial uses include being a tonic, antihistamine, anti-malarial, treating fever, wounds and several others. It is also considered to be an aphrodisiac. There are some potential side effects associated with the use of eurycoma longifolia.
  1. Insomnia

    • Insomnia is a possible negative side effect associated with the use of eurycoma longifolia. With a high dosage of eurycoma root, there is a risk of sleeplessness as a result. Smaller dosages of eurycoma longifolia can help in some ways to avoid insomnia and not getting sufficient sleep at night.

    Testosterone Levels

    • Eurycoma longifola is known to increase testosterone levels. As a result, women who are either pregnant or presently breastfeeding should avoid taking the supplement. The same goes for men who are dealing with health issues such as kidney, liver or heart disease, prostate cancer, or diabetes. Raised testosterone levels can result in the suppression of the immune system.

    Behavioral Side Effects

    • Eurycoma longifola is also capable of causing some negative behavioral side effects to come about. These side effects include feelings of irritability, restlessness, and stress. Side effects are particularly possible if you take large doses of the supplement (meaning a dosage of more than one capsule).

    Body Temperature

    • Eurycoma longifola is also known to raise the body temperature. Some users of the supplement have reported the elevation of their body temperatures, and feeling extremely hot, waking up in the middle of the night sweating, and with their hearts pounding.


    • Some users of Eurycoma longifolia have also experienced the side effect of facial flushing as a result of taking the supplement. The facial flushing, however, is generally mild and usually goes away quickly after the beginning of use.

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