What Is Melatonin Used For?
Melatonin is commonly used as a supplement to treat jet lag and insomnia. The supplement acts as the hormone to regulate and send messages to your body, telling you when it is time to go to sleep and when to wake up.
Melatonin has been used for patients who suffer from depression. Melatonin increases serotonin levels in people with depression.
Melatonin supplements have been shown to stop the growth of cancerous cells in the body. Patients with cancer have low levels of melatonin in their bodies, and taking these supplements has improved cancer patients' survival rates.
New research has shown that taking melatonin supplements can help stimulate bone growth in women who live with osteoporosis. Studies show that women who suffer from osteoporosis have low levels of melatonin, and taking melatonin supplements may aid in decreasing degenerative bone growth.
Some women who are going through menopause have a hard time sleeping through the night. Taking melatonin can improve sleep patterns for menopausal women.