Home Remedy for Dental Pain

Dental pain is one of the most annoying and uncomfortable kinds of pain there is. Dental pain gets even worse over the weekend because you know there are far fewer emergency dentists than there are other types of emergency physicians. For this reason, if no other, it makes good sense to know some home remedies for treating dental pain.
  1. Oil of Cloves

    • One of the most ancient treatments for a toothache is oil of cloves. All that is required is to pour a few drops on your fingertip and massage the oil into the area where the tooth is hurting. Oil of cloves can produce a burning sensation on the gums, however, so be care with your application.


    • If you have toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth, you can use it to reduce dental pain as well. A toothpaste such as Sensodyne can be rubbed directly onto the painful area and works to soothe the nerves that are producing the discomfort.

    Turmeric Powder and Mustard Oil

    • Mix the turmeric powder and mustard oil until they form a paste. Apply directly to the tooth and surrounding area where the pain is located. This is a very old remedy for alleviating the pain of toothaches and has proven quite effective.


    • For temporary relief of dental pain, hold an ice cube inside the mouth until the pain subsides. This same approach can unfortunately aggravate a very sensitive tooth, so if this procedure seems to be making the situation worse, immediately remove the ice and try something else.


    • An onion has a tremendous amount of anti-bacterial properties that serve to protect against germs that can inflame a slight toothache into a headache-inducing mess. Take a small piece of raw onion--regular onions seem to work better than sweet onions like Vidalias, unfortunately--and place it on the tooth or an inflamed section of gums. Keep it there until the pain begins to subside. You may have to repeat this process several times a day.


    • Occasionally, dental pain is actually nothing more serious than a piece of food product that has gotten lodged between the teeth. Debris that is caught between the tooth can put pressure on the gums or other teeth, and produce varying levels of discomfort. Use floss or even a toothpick to remove the food, and the pressure will be alleviated.


    • Sometimes dental pain can actually be alleviated without taking any medicine or cooking up some home remedy. As with getting something stuck between your teeth, the pain is the result of pressure. If the pain seems to get worse when you lie down, make sure to elevate the head. This serves to decrease the pressure and reduce the pain.

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