The Side Effects of Colon Hydrotherapy
Electrolyte Imbalance
A colon hydrotherapy session is not like using an enema or regular colon cleanse where minimal amounts of water are used or consumed. During colonic irrigation, it is not uncommon for gallons of water to be used due to the fact that they are cleansing the entire length of the colon, not just a portion of it. If too much water is used, it can easily cause an imbalance of important electrolytes and minerals in the body, such as potassium. This can lead to severe, and possibly fatal, conditions, which include heart attack and failure.
The herbs and supplements used during a colon hydrotherapy session, such as senna, can cause the colon to become dependent on this procedure for the person to have bowel movements on his own. These herbs can actually weaken the walls of the colon, especially if you have routine sessions. After you believe you have been completely cleansed, you may find yourself having to return just to defecate normally.
Perforated Bowel
During the procedure, a rubber hose is inserted through the rectum and into the colon. If this tube is not inserted properly, perforation, or tearing, of the wall of the intestine can occur. After the wall of the colon is broken, it can lead to a fatal condition called septicemia, a condition that results from the blood in the body becoming infected from the matter in the colon.
If the equipment that's being used is not being properly sterilized, germs can easily be transferred from one patient to another. This increases the risk for potentially fatal diseases such as Hepatits C and AIDS. There is also an increased risk for amoebic infections for those who choose to colon hydrotherapy as a means of cleansing their colon.
Colon hydrotherapy is not currently recognized by the government as a valid medical procedure. In addition, the clinicians who perform it are not always licensed and are not currently required to be trained so that they may administer the treatment. Also, the equipment used does not have to be inspected for safety, and the herbs used during the procedure are not regulated by government standards.