How to Cure Acid Reflux With Natural Methods

Acid reflux is a very uncomfortable condition that effects a very large number of people.
Something that you may not realize about acid reflux is that it's actually caused by to little and not to much acid.
This means that suppressing your stomach acid only treats the symptoms and not the cause.
This article contains several helpful tips that can help you to get rid of acid reflux forever.


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      You can get immediate relief from drinking 2 Tbs. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Remember though, that this is just treating the symptoms and not the cause so you don't want to stop here.

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      One of the first things that you will need to do is to keep track of which foods set off your acid reflux. You can do this by keeping a food diary for a few weeks. By the third or fourth week you should have a good idea as to which foods are causing problems. Many times this can be caused by a sensitivity to gluten.

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      Stress can also be a trigger for acid reflux. Unfortunately most of us do lead very busy and at times stressful lives. Making time for yourself and getting an adequate amount of exercise can help to offset this.

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      You can also try going on a low carb diet. For many people this can make a huge difference I personally did this myself and no longer have any problems with acid reflux.

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      Get rid of sugar,processed foods and table salt. Your body needs to produce more stomach acid, and a good way to get it to do so is by consuming sea salt. Or you can also take a hydrochloric acid supplement. Hydrochloric acid is available at most health food stores. I would first try the sea salt as it is a lot more gentle.

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      Start taking a probiotic such as Primal Defense or Accuflora and be sure to drink plenty of fresh water every day.

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