About Epimedium Side Effects
You may experience side effects such as a feeling of thirst, dry mouth, vertigo or vomiting while taking epimedium. They are not usually serious, just bothersome.
Serious side effects may occur, including bruising easily, cuts that are slow to stop bleeding, blood in the stool, nosebleeds, bleeding in the brain or a quickening of the heart rate.
Allergic reactions are also possible. They include hives, a rash, swelling, itching and wheezing.
Patients who are living with hormone-sensitive cancers should avoid epimedium, because it may have estrogenic effects.
If you take too much of this herb, you may suffer from cramps, spasms, mydriasis (when your pupils excessively dilate) and respiratory depression.
Epimedium can interact with several medications, including blood thinners and high blood pressure medicines. Mixing these formulas may cause a drop in blood pressure or increase the risk of bleeding.