Benefits of Beta Sitosterol
Immune System Support
This compound supports a strong immune system, especially in times of stress. Daily usage is reported to induce an overwhelming calming feeling.
Relieves Allergies
Allergies are a daily annoyance and people spend millions of dollars per year fighting the symptoms and not the causes. Beta-Sitosterol targets the allergens themselves for relief.
Reduces Cancer Risks
The risk of getting such cancers as colon, breast and prostate are minimized by continual use of this compound. If you are at risk due to family history, Beta-Sitosterol is recommended.
Pain Relief
This compound has been known to have pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. Though not as focused as ibuprofen or aspirin, the relief is more wholly distributed throughout the body.
Relieves BPH
Beta-Sitosterol relieves the symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). BPH is a common occurrence when dealing with an enlarged prostate.
Find It
Beta-Sitosterol is typically found in plants and plant oils. It may also be found in nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. In addition, there are dietary supplements available for purchase in liquid and pill form.