Can Women Take Yohimbe?
Many people mistakenly believe that yohimbe contains testosterone or interacts directly with sexual hormones. This is not the case. Yohimbe is not associated with any increase in male hormone levels.
Mechanism of Action
Yohimbe appears to act on the body's adrenaline receptors and stimulates a feeling of mild euphoria, combined with a "rush" of energy. It ultimately causes increased blood flow to the genitals, resulting in pleasant sexual side effects.
Yohimbe and Female Sexuality
Though used more often for male impotence, yohimbe shows some promise in treating female sexual disorders. It has not been studied as extensively for use in women.
Other Uses
With the guidance of a physician, yohimbe can be used in both men and women to treat certain psychiatric conditions, low blood pressure, acute fatigue and obesity.
Potential Risks
Anxiety, insomnia and elevated heart rate are the most common side effects of yohimbe. It should be avoided by anyone with a medical or psychiatric condition and women who are pregnant or nursing.