What Are the Benefits of Pau D'Arco?
Immune System
Practitioners of natural medicine prescribe pau d'arco for a wide variety of illnesses because they believe the supplement's antioxidant properties fight disease and the chemicals stimulate immune system defense cells.
Analysis of the chemicals in pau d'arco have shown that the bark contains chemicals called naphthoquinones, which may kill bacteria, viruses, fungus and yeast--granting the supplement beneficial antimicrobial properties.
Although frequently recommended for its potential anticancer properties, pau d'arco is not approved for cancer treatment, and the American Cancer Society states that further research is needed on the supplement.
Pain and Inflammation
Researchers at the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University and Dong-Eui University have begun to investigate the possibility that substances in pau d'arco may have potential anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.
Other Uses
Alternative health practitioners may also recommend the use of pau d'arco for the treatment of skin infections, respiratory illnesses, wounds and heart disease.