About Natural Herbs for Kidney Function
Talk to a physician before beginning any herbal treatment or supplement. Certain herbs react dangerously with other pharmaceuticals. Herbal medications should always be discussed with a professional. There are no guidelines issued by the Food and Drug Administration concerning herbal remedies or supplements. Certain prepackaged dosages may be harmful to some people. Never begin a medical regime without a doctor's supervision.
Water Plantain
Water plantain affects the kidneys and bladder. This herb helps to promote urination. Water plantain is a maintenance herb for the kidneys.
Northern Prickly Ash
Native Americans used the northern prickly ash as a diuretic. The berries and/or roots were boiled into a tea to help reduce fluid retention.
Sarsaparilla is an herbal remedy which has been used for years to treat illnesses and afflictions which include skin conditions, blood disorders and kidney problems. Kidney stones were treated with sarsaparilla.
Stinging Nettles
Nettles have been used to remove "gravel" from urine. Nettle tea is used to help to dissolve kidney stones. An important warning must be stated: this herb is not to be used by those suffering from congenital heart failure.
A strong root tea is used to dissolve kidney stones. The leaves can be brewed into a tea for a diuretic.