What Foods Cure Hot Flashes?
Cohosh, ginseng, primrose oil, and licorice root all help relieve hot flashes. These can be obtained from health food stores and herbalists.
Vitamin E
Consuming 600 to 800 IUs of vitamin E per day can help treat hot flashes. Vitamin E supplements are the best way to get a sufficient amount, and they can be purchased from most grocery and health food stores. Some fitness nutrition shops also sell vitamin E supplements.
Food With Vitamin B
Hot flashes deplete the body's supply of vitamin B, so it's important to eat foods that contain it. Foods that contain high amounts of vitamin B are liver and liver oil, salmon, tuna, lentils, potatoes, chili peppers, turkey, bananas, molasses, eggs, barley, wheat bran, oats, Brazil nuts and avocado.
Food With Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another thing that gets depleted with recurring hot flashes, and it needs to be replaced. It also helps prevent hot flashes. Some foods rich in vitamin C are tomatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, papaya, jicama, mango, kolrabi, kiwi fruit and potatoes.
Soy Products
Soy beans, tofu and other soy products contain phytoestrogens, a compound that mimics female hormones. This is what makes consuming soy products an effective way to prevent hot flashes.
Foods to Avoid
Certain foods are known to trigger hot flashes and should be avoided, such as caffeine, alcohol, foods with excessive amounts of sugar and spicy foods.