What is Astragalus?
Astragalus has enjoyed a long history of medicinal purposed in China. It was recorded in history as far back as the first century A.D. In grows mostly in the northern hemisphere with the exception of some species growing at high elevations of the Andes in South America.
Benefits of astragalus are its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also used to enhance the immune system, especially during chemotherapy. It helps decrease fatigue, increase metabolism and promote wound healing. In China it is used to treat respiratory infections and heart disease.
Astragalus is often used with other herbs for maximum benefit. When used as an immune booster, it is often paired with Echinacea.
Side Effects
Astragalus is generally considered safe for adults but because it is often used in conjunction with other herbs, it may have some side effects that have not been attributed to it. It can also interact negatively with some medications, such as diuretics, antivirals, high blood pressure medication, diabetes medication, blood thinners and immunosuppressants. North American varieties should not be ingested by humans.
Because of the possibility of negative interactions with other medications, check with your health care professional before using astragalus. Be sure to mention all medications you are currently taking for contra-indications with astragalus.