What Are the Benefits of Pygeum Africanum?

Pygeum africanum goes by several names, including bitter almond, African cherry, and African stinkwood, since it is grown in the southern region of Africa. The extract from this plant has many medicinal uses. However, the FDA makes it clear that they don't regulate supplements and herbs. For this reason, it's best to clear the use of Pygeum africanum with a doctor before taking it.
  1. Enlarged Prostate

    • Pygeum africanum extract can be used to treat a benign case of enlarged prostate.

    Frequent Urination

    • Frequency of urination can be cut down with the use of Pygeum africanum.

    Pain Relief

    • Pygeum africanum extract can reduce mild pain experienced with urination.

    Hesitating Urine Stream

    • The symptom of a hesitating urine stream can be relieved with Pygeum africanum extract so that the flow of urine will start without delay.

    Emptying of the Bladder

    • Pygeum africanum extract helps the bladder to fully eliminate all urine present each time a person urinates.

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