Herbal Remedies for Menopausal Symptoms
Calm the Cramps
Some women have turned to tinctures (an alcohol-based extract) of skullcap, black haw and cohosh to get relief from cramps. The tinctures are mixed in equal parts, taken as 1 or 2 tsp. as needed.
Eliminate Excess Water
For water retention try dandelion leaf either in tincture 3 times a day or by tea 3 to 5 times a day. Though it promotes excretion, which will cause a loss of potassium, dandelion contains potassium and helps to restore this mineral to the body.
Ease Palpitations
Use dong quai, ginseng, gotu lola or motherwort to help quell palpitations that accompany hot flashes.
Alleviate Mental Stress
St. John's Wort is known for its help with depression. For anxiety, try skullcap and valerian.
Additional Possibilities
Other herbs used include ginger, Ginkgo biloba, white willow bark, red raspberry leaf, cramp bark, hops and chaste tree berry. If you are concerned about the alcohol content of tinctures, make teas out of the herbs instead.
Professional Guidance
See an herbalist or naturopathic doctor for the herbal remedies best suited for you.