What Herbs Help Relieve Acid Reflux?
Black Pepper
Black pepper is an aromatic herb that enhances taste, helps improve gastric circulation and stimulates digestion. Add it to different recipes and foods. For best results, use fresh, ground black pepper.
Indian Long Pepper
Indian long pepper can protect against the development of gastric ulcers. This herb can also stimulate digestion, metabolism and assimilation for foods ingested. This is a powerful herb to help relieve acid reflux.
Ginger is one of the purest herbs used to relieve acid reflux. Its effectiveness is because of its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties. Fresh ginger can be added to recipes or as an extra garnish to a finished meal. It can also be taken as a tea and powder form.
Licorice acts like an antacid for acid reflux and is a powerful herb with anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help in preventing ulcers. Licorice can be taken in powder form and in tea. Be careful how much you take because high doses can cause headaches, water retention and high blood pressure. The recommended dose is 1 cup of tea or 3 tbsp. of powder.
Indian Gooseberry
Indian gooseberry can help relieve acid reflux because it has antioxidant effects which can reduce acid secretion. Indian gooseberry can be taken raw with salt or drank as a tea. There are no side effects of this herb, but it should be taken in moderation because it can act as a laxative if too much is taken.