How to Take Rhodiola Rosea
Read more about the potential side effects. Users report the supplement causing problems with their sleeping, feeling a mild stomach and feeling nauseous. Others experienced an intense headache. Make sure you can handle the potential side effects before taking the medication.
Speak with your physician about the interactions with any drugs you currently take. MAOI inhibitors and SSRI's interact badly with the supplement, and both are used in the treatment of depression. The manufacturer recommends not taking the supplement if you're on those pills. The Rhodiola might prevent the other medications from working properly.
Take 100 milligrams of Rhodiola Rosea when you first start. A 100 milligram pill is the recommended starting dosage, because it allows your body to slowly adjust to the new product.
Increase your daily dosage to 300 milligrams, adding 100 milligrams each day. The maximum dosage is 300 milligrams a day or three pills, but many stop after taking only one or two pills a day.
Follow your progress carefully, taking note of any side effects along with benefits. Chart our your progress and make note of the benefits you experienced while taking the pills and determine if you want to keep taking them in the future.