Uses for Elderberry Extract

Sambucus nigra, or elder, is a shrub that produces an abundance of dark berries that are processed to create a syrup-like substance known as "elderberry extract." There are numerous claims about the medicinal benefits of this extract and other derivatives of the elderberry. According to the National Library of Medicine (NLM), there are four uses of elderberry that have been studied scientifically.
  1. Flu

    • Some research has shown that elderberry helps reduce symptoms associated with influenza and speeds recovery time. The NLM states that the evidence for this use is "good."

    Bacterial Sinusitis

    • Elderberry may have a beneficial effect on sinus infections by reducing mucus and swelling. According to the NLM, the evidence for this use is "unclear."


    • Proponents of elderberry's healing properties believe it relieves the symptoms of bronchitis. The NLM rates the evidence for this use as "unclear."

    High Cholesterol

    • Some studies suggest that elderberry may help decrease cholesterol levels. The NLM considers the evidence for this use "unclear."

    Other Uses

    • Elderberry is reported to provide relief for a host of other ailments, including colds and coughs, inflammation, headaches, colic and more. There is no scientific evidence for these uses.

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