How to Make Arnica Oil
Things You'll Need
- Glass jar with lid (12 oz. or larger)
- Measuring cup
- 1/4 cup fresh arnica flowers or 1/8 cup dried arnica flowers
- Body oil
- Strainer
- Dark glass jar
- Mortar and pestle
Making Arnica Oil Using Fresh Arnica Flowers
Put 1/4 cup of fresh arnica flowers in a clean 12 oz. or larger glass jar.
Pour 1 cup of body oil into the jar of arnica flowers. Choose any body oil you prefer. Common choices are jojoba oil, almond oil or peanut oil.
Place the lid on top of the jar and close tightly.
Set the jar of arnica flowers and oil on a table or counter and allow it to sit for 30 days to allow the arnica flowers to infuse the oil with its properties.
Pour the arnica flowers and oil mixture through a strainer to remove the flowers from the oil. Store the finished arnica oil in a dark glass bottle for long-term storage.
Making Arnica Oil Using Dried Arnica Flowers
Crush 1/8 cup of dried arnica flowers into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle.
Put the powdered arnica flowers in a clean glass jar.
Pour 1 cup of body oil into the glass jar of powdered arnica flowers.
Place the lid on the glass jar and close it tightly.
Shake the glass jar to combine the powdered arnica flowers and body oil.
Pour the arnica oil in a dark glass jar for long-term storage. Shake the mixture before use.