How to Use Oreganol
Things You'll Need
- Oreganol pure oregano oil
- Cotton ball
- Tape
For skin disorders such as sunburn, athlete's foot or ringworm, apply Oreganol directly to the affected area twice a day.
For warts, soak a cotton ball with Oreganol and tape the cotton ball over the wart. Take five drops of Oreganol orally each day, by itself or mixed with juice or water.
For upper respiratory disorders, take two or three drops of Oreganol under your tongue once a day, plus three to five drops mixed with juice or water twice a day.
For diarrhea and constipation, take three drops of Oreganol sublingually at least twice a day, plus five drops mixed with juice or water three times a day.
For bladder disorders, take five drops of Oreganol three times a day in juice or water, plus two drops three times a day under the tongue.