Home Remedy for Fits of Coughing
Take a spoonful of honey and allow it to coat your throat. Mixing the honey with lemon or lime juice also helps sooth your throat.
Turn the hot water on in the shower and breathe the steam. Dropping eucalyptus oil into your vaporizer may also help get those sinuses flowing. Many times coughing fits are caused from postnasal drip; if you can clear your sinuses, it may help.
Minty Foot Rub
Rub eucalyptus oil or menthol vapor rub on the bottoms of your feet. Slip your socks on and have a good night's sleep. Many people claim this works.
Massage the spot just below the big toe and hold back the toes and apply pressure with your thumb and rub the ball of the foot.
Drink plenty of water. Keeping moisture in the airway can also help alleviate fits of coughing. Hot tea with honey and/or lemon juice is also a good way to keep your throat from becoming dry.