Herbs to Quit Smoking
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms and mood swings make the smoking habit hard to kick. While many nicotine replacement products are on the market, some people worry about replacing smoking with another nicotine crutch. Prescription medicines are expensive and have side effects. Herbs can help you move beyond the smoking habit while giving you a head start in the healing process.-
Rootstock of the echinacea, or cornflower plant, is used as a blood-purifier and can help remove nicotine from the body.
Peppermint tea calms the nerves and works well as a substitute for caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee. It's helpful to avoid coffee when trying to stop smoking.
Catnip is part of the mint family and has long been used to treat chronic bronchitis.
The flowers and leaves of motherwort help kick the smoking habit with its calming effects and benefits to the respiratory system.
The sedative properties of skullcap help calm the nervousness associated with nicotine withdrawal. Soak 1 tsp. of the dried plant per cup of water for 30 minutes and use 3 or 4 times a day.
Sweet Flag
When a smoker chews the root of sweet flag, the usual result is mild nausea.