Herbal Remedies for Cinnulin
Blood Sugar
Research studies have shown that cinnulin helps to reduce blood sugar levels and may help prevent Type 2 diabetes. Suggestions are for those with pre-diabetes to use the supplement as part of a nutritional program.
Research studies also show that the regular use of cinnulin reduces cholesterol, especially with those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Weight Loss
Cinnulin supplementation has been show to aid in reduction of body fat and the increase in lean body mass without increasing physical activity or eating special diets.
Cinnamon made from the cinnamomi cassia plant is not true cinnamon. True cinnamon is grown in India and Sri Lanka, and has a different odor and flavor. Cinnulin extracted from true cinnamon seems to be more beneficial as an herbal remedy.
Cinnamon, whether it is from cassia or the true cinnamon, contains volatile oils and should be used carefully. Cinnulin is water-extracted from cinnamon without the volatile oils and does not seem to have any adverse effects.