About Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

Herbal remedies for anxiety provide a drug-free approach to a common disorder, generalized anxiety disorder. Anxiety is an emotion that everyone feels from time to time. However, anxieties that persist on a regular basis and interfere with a person's ability to work, focus, socialize and any other regular function may require medical treatment. Utilize alternative medicine for a drug-free approach to anxiety and other nerve-related concerns.
  1. St. John's Wort

    • St. John's wort has long been a treatment for depression. However, it is also used as a treatment for anxiety and nervousness. St. John's wort is also effective for stress relief.

    Lemon Balm

    • Lemon balm is a mild relaxant and can be used to treat occasional anxiety and nervousness. It can also be used as backup when regular treatment is unavailable.


    • Feverfew is an herb used to treat migraines as well as anxiety. Many people who suffer from anxiety attacks also get anxiety headaches. Feverfew is beneficial to sooth anxiety and cures the headaches associated with it.

    Passion Flower

    • Passion flower has been used by Native Americans for centuries to treat hysteria. Passion flower is used as an antidepressant as well.


    • Mullein is used to treat many disorders and ailments, including cough, lung disease and sore throat. However, it has also been used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Mullein should be used with caution. The seeds are highly poisonous.

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