About Herbal Cleansing Dietary Supplements
Because a clogged or poorly performing colon causes harmful substances to build up, colon cleansing is a top priority. For a good cleansing, use psyllium. Cascara sagrada, licorice, senna and rhubarb will help in the process.
Echinacea, garlic and goldenseal are acclaimed for fighting infections. Also try gotu kola, licorice, pau d'arco, red clover and rose hips.
Many unnatural chemicals linger in our bodies and increase over time. Once again, psyllium and cascara sagrada can help, along with alder buckthorn. Kidneys will benefit from burdock root (great for removing heavy metals), hydrangea root, gravel root, juniper berries (long-term use is not recommended) and nettle. The body's chief detoxification organ, the liver, benefits from milk thistle and dandelion root.
Eradicate worms with artemisia absinthium (wormwood), which was preferred by Hippocrates. You can banish giardia with artemisia annua, but when using this herb, symptoms might become worse at first and there also can be intestinal irritation and allergic reactions.
Blending Herbs
Some herbal supplements combine a number of herbs or other substances like citrus seed extract for a more potent effect. Blending is necessary in the case of artemisia absinthium because it can be toxic by itself.
Drugs and Herbs
Be cautious and consult your doctor before beginning an herbal regimen if you use any blood thinners, blood pressure medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs (like aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen), drugs that affect the liver, diabetes medications, Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) and heart medications.
Other Cautions
Herbal supplements should be used with care, especially for minors and the elderly. Some colon-cleansing procedures may disrupt the colon's work to maintain electrolyte and fluid balance.