Coral Calcium's Medical Benefits
According to manufacturer's documentation, most coral calcium comes from pieces of coral that have died and fallen from coral reefs in the ocean.
Coral calcium contains calcium carbonate and trace minerals including magnesium and zinc. This composition results in an ionic compound that is similar to the construction of human bone and is considered by some, such as the Wolfe Clinic, to be easier to absorb and better utilized than other forms of calcium supplements.
Medical Claims
Advertising for coral calcium has claimed over 200 medical benefits such as improved bone health, reduced arthritis, better mental function and decreased acidic pH levels. More startling claims revolve around coral calcium's supposed ability to cure such diseases as Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
One sales marketer, Robert Barefoot, was cited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for making false medical claims in regard to one brand of coral calcium.
Calcium carbonate is available from many sources that are cheaper and easier to find than coral calcium. Additionally, there have been no well documented studies regarding coral calcium's more extreme medical benefits such as curing cancer or moderating the body's pH levels.
Getting your vitamins and minerals from food is almost always the best option. Consult your physician or nutritionist for your best options when it comes to calcium maintenance and therapy.