How to Use Black Seed Oil
Things You'll Need
- Black seed oil Green tea Water Orange juice Cranberry juice Towel
Add 1 tsp. of black seed oil to 1 cup of hot green tea. This is commonly done to relieve symptoms of anxiety and nervousness.
Add 1 tbsp. of black seed oil to orange or cranberry juice in the morning. This will give an energy boost throughout the day. Do this consistently for 10 days or more to reap the full benefits of bringing your energy back.
Boil 2 cups of water. Add 1 tbsp. of black seed oil. Place your face over the pot and a towel over your head to form a tent around the pot. Inhale the vapors to relieve cough and cold symptoms.
Rub black seed oil directly on psoriasis patches to help stop the itch and promote healing.
Add a teaspoon of black seed oil to hot drinks. This will help with dissolving fats in the blood, and it also helps dilate the arteries and blood vessels, helping those with high blood pressure or heart disease. If you are on blood pressure medication, consult with your physician before adding black seed to your diet.