Menopause Remedies
Menopause happens---there is no escaping it. But there are remedies that offer relief from the symptoms. Menopause does not have to be uncomfortable, dreaded or the end of life. Though it is often associated with women, men face similar issues as they age. The remedies suggested for women can also be used by men.-
There are numerous herbal remedies for menopause. Some of the recommended herbs include agnus castus, black cohosh, milk thistle, damiana, maca, red clover and oat straw.
Nutritional support during menopause is very important. Beneficial are omegas 3 and 6, calcium, vitamin D, B-complex vitamins and proteins. Foods that are most beneficial include grains, vegetables, fish, seeds such as flax and pumpkin seeds, and fruit. For a greater list, see Resources for Susun Weed's website.
Hormone Replacement
The use of phytoestrogens will help decrease the risk of breast cancer and menopause distress. Wild yam extract, chasteberries, cramp bark, dong quai root, licorice and motherwort are just a few of the herbs that come in creams or capsules. Weed suggests eating phytoestrogen-rich foods and using the herbs temporarily.
Male Menopause
As they age, men have a reduction in hormones just as women do. Though it is not exactly the same, most of the solutions used by women will work well for men. Suggestions for men include the use of saw palmetto for prostate health, St. John's Wart and oat for depression, wild yam for hormone support, and black cohosh as a relaxant.
Allergies to food and herbs may be a concern. If symptoms do not improve or you notice anything unusual, discontinue use and consult a doctor.