Natural Cures for Sinus Infections
Grapefruit Seed Extract
This extract is very effective in relieving the symptoms of a sinus infection. Always take the grapefruit seed extract with meals so that your stomach won't get upset.
If your infection includes an abundance of mucus, take potassium supplements to dry it up.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar thins the mucus, allowing you to blow it out. Sip on a 16 oz. glass of water with 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar mixed in, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
Oil Pulling
For a quick fix to alleviate congestion try this Indian remedy. Using either sesame, sunflower or extra virgin olive oil, in the morning before eating. Take 1 tbsp. and chomp and chew it through your teeth for at least 10 minutes. Do not swallow, but spit it out. This is also very good for the teeth and the gums.
To break up congestion, stand in the shower for 10 minutes allowing the steam to work while you run the hot water over your face at intervals.