Home Remedies for Rejuvenation

Life is stressful, and sometimes it is good to lock yourself away and rejuvenate. Home rejuvenation remedies are both easy and affordable.
  1. Lemon balm

    • Lemon balm oil is used to treat depression and works great as a sedative and relaxant. Lemon balm can be used as a compress, tea, ointment or infused oil.


    • Chamomile relieves stress. It should be drank in tea form with 2 tsp per cup, steeped for 15 minutes.


    • Ginseng improves stamina and can also help increase the sex drive. It can be found in capsules, tablets and tea.

    Rosemary and Honey

    • Rosemary helps relieve stress. Drink as a tea and add a teaspoon of honey.


    • Mint rejuvenates and increases energy. It can be drank as a tea, eaten as a candy or even used in a candle. The scent itself will awaken the senses.

    Warm ath

    • Soak in a warm bath with scented bath salts. Play soft music in the background and let the worries slip away.

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