Cancer-Curing Herbs
Chemotherapy drugs are created from the plant mayapple. It is then refined into the chemical called Etoposide. This drug was found to destroy tumors in mice according to NCI's (National Cancer Institute) Drug Research and Development program headed by Jonathan Hartwell. However, due to its toxicity, use of it ended until 1960. At that time a company called Sandoz Ltd. developed both etoposide and teniposide from this natural herb plant mayapple. The addition of teniposide made the drug useful and safe for the destruction of cancer cells.
Chemotherapy drugs are created from the plant mayapple. It is then refined into the chemical called Etoposide. This drug was found to destroy tumors in mice according to NCI's (National Cancer Institute) Drug Research and Development program headed by Jonathan Hartwell. However due to its toxicity, use of it ended until 1960. At that time a company called Sandoz Ltd developed both etoposide and teniposide from this natural herb plant mayapple. With the addition of teniposide it made the drug useful and safe for the destruction of cancer.
The difference between pharmaceutical preparation of drugs and using herbs naturally is their dosage. The herb itself is more potent than the pharmaceutical grade. The main purpose of altering the makeup of the herb is to reduce the concentration. Through a scientific process, the natural herb is synthesized and therefore is reduced in strength. This process of synthesizing allows the pharmaceuticals to dispense proper dosage.
Higher Fungi
A mushroom called higher fungi contains polysaccharides. It has been discovered that this compound and others contained within this mushroom have anti-tumor functions. It is not unusual to use a fungus such as this in medicine. The Chinese and Japanese use many of these fungi for healing purposes. They believe that it boosts the immune system; in reality, it does have immune-boosting capabilities.
The herb Chaparral, which can be purchased as a tea, is believed to have cancer-curing capabilities. It also has been used widely by Native Americans for different uses. These uses include colds, cramps, anti inflammatory, and arthritis. This herbal tea is prepared from the Larrea Divericata Coville. Another name for this plant is Creosote Bush.
An herb called Essiac is worth looking into. Used in Canada from 1920 through 1970 by a nurse named Rene M. Caisse as an herbal tea, it was said to have cured cancer. Caisse gave the herbal formula to a Canadian corporation called Resperin.
Cancer-curing herbs are not limited to the ones mentioned here. They are numerous. Natural herbs contain many healing properties. It is recommended that one get all the information possible before beginning any herbal treatment. It is also recommended to seek a physician's professional advice.