Herbal Cures for HPV

The human papillomaviruse or HPV affects millions of children, women and men. The symptoms are usually warts of the hands, feet, face or genitals. But cancers of the cervix, anus, rectum and mouth are also signs of HPV. While there is no cure for these viruses, a vaccine is available to prevent the more common forms of HPV. Using herbs to remove warts is a popular method of treatment although the virus cannot be eradicated
  1. Echinacea

    • This popular herb is used to strengthen the immune system which can help to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of HPV. Use as a supplement or as a tea.


    • Garlic is thought to have antiviral properties that help to get rid of warts. It also helps the immune system to fight infection. Apply garlic juice to the warts or take garlic internally as supplement or as food.


    • This herb is known to be a natural antibiotic. It also has antibacterial properties so it is useful in fighting various infections including HPV.


    • This herb also has antiviral properties. Make a paste by grinding up basil leaves into a powder and adding water. Apply to warts.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    • This vinegar made from apples is a popular natural remedy. The ascetic acid in the vinegar helps to exfoliate the layers of the warts.

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