Home Remedies for a Fever Blister
Lysine suppresses the growth of HSV-1 and, when used in cream form, can be applied directly to the sore. An amino acid, lysine helps the body produce antibodies and can be found in supplements in the form of L-lysine.
Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is a plant native to southern Europe and northern Africa that is believed to promote antiviral activities in the body. Lemon balm is available in teas and in lotion form.
Ice can dull the pain of fever blisters. Place three or four ice cubes in a damp cloth and rub it over the tingly area to dull the pain. You can do this for 5 to 10 minutes every hour to decrease pain.
Tea, particularly black, contains tannic acid that has antiviral properties. When sores first form, place moistened teabags over the infected area to help lessen the extent of the sores' development.
Lip Balm
Exposure to bright sunlight can cause fever blister outbreaks. Use a lip balm with an SPF rating of 15 or higher to protect vulnerable areas.