Home Remedies for Ringworm
Mix turmeric with warm water to make a paste, and apply it topically to the infected area. Cover it with gauze and keep covered for at least 20 minutes; repeat several times a day.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Used by many people in place of bleach, grapefruit seed extract can be diluted in water and used to clean surfaces that have been exposed to ringworm. It can also be applied in diluted form directly to infected areas to promote healing.
Jatoba is a tall tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest and is so antifungal and antibacterial that it doesn't rot. Jatoba can be made into a tea and consumed by animals and people, or applied topically as a liquid extract.
Pau D'arco
Pau d'arco is another Amazon herb that has antifungal properties. Add it to water and make it into a tea (see Resources below), and/or apply it topically in liquid extract form.
Apply neem oil to the affected area, or make a paste from turmeric and neem leaves, if they are available. Drink neem tea internally in addition to topical application or if topical application is not possible.
The information in this article should not be considered medical advice, and is not meant to treat, diagnose, prescribe or cure any ailment. Always consult your doctor before you start, stop or change anything that has been previously prescribed. Certain herbs and holistic remedies are unsuitable to take if you are pregnant or nursing, and must always be cleared by your doctor before use.