Herbs for the Immune System
Astragalus boosts the immune system with powerful antioxidants and protects the liver from toxins. Bayberry, fenugreek and licorice also enhance the immune system. Caution: Do not use licorice more than 7 consecutive days or if you have high blood pressure.
Because the liver is the primary organ for cleansing the entire system, herbs that aid the liver are important to support immune system function. Black radish, dandelion and milk thistle are helpful herbal cleansers.
Healthy Function
Other herbs can aid immune system function. Boxthorn, ginseng and wisteria have a trace element that may help prevent immune suppression and may have anti-cancer properties. Caution: Do not take ginseng if you have high blood pressure.
Herbs that may help the immune system function properly are aids to help the body do what it is built to do--fight off illness and heal injury. Herbs cannot do that. Neither are herbs to be considered a sole source of immune support. Healthy eating and lifestyle issues are important factors for a healthy immune system.
Because an impaired immune system can cause serious illness, always consult a doctor before taking anything that affects the immune system. Never try to treat auto-immune deficiency disease (AIDS) without a doctor's supervision. Be sure to inform your doctor about all medications and about any unusual changes after taking any herbs. All statements about herbal benefits are cited from Balch, James, M.D., Prescription for Nutritional Healing.