Herbs That Lower Blood Pressure
The U.S. Department of Health and Services has recently reported findings on the health benefits of garlic. One of these is its innate ability to lower the blood pressure of people who eat it regularly.
The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants reports the uses of many herbs, including skullcap. This herb has been known to affect circulation, and one of the results of this is the lowering of blood pressure.
Cinnamon has recently been proven to lower systolic blood pressure. This report was published in 2006 in "American College of Nutrition."
In large doses, ginger has been known to cause a significant reduction in blood pressure. This was found in a study conducted by Pennington Nutrition Series.
Certain compounds found in kelp are extracted and put into medicine for high blood pressure. A recent study out of Japan has shown that kelp by itself has the ability to lower blood pressure nearly as well as some medicine.