Homeopathic Medicine for Coughing
Homeopathic medicine for coughing may treat the causes of coughs, such as the common cold, respiratory infections, allergies, and viral or bacterial infections. The ingredients for homeopathic medicine may include herbs, teas, supplements and vitamins. Some ingredients used in homeopathic medicines may be available locally in markets or health stores, although some less common items may require ordering through a catalog or online.-
Teas made from fresh herbs or from commercially-produced tea bags, along with added lemon and honey, may relieve coughs from the common cold.
Lozenges containing zinc or wintergreen may numb the throat and reduce tingling and tickling caused by dry coughs.
Herbs such as chamomile, eucalyptus, and licorice root may be available as supplements or brewed into a tea and may reduce coughing or sore throats, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Salt Water
Gargling with a solution of half of a teaspoon of table salt mixed into an 8-ounce glass of water may loosen mucus to reduce coughing.
Probiotics, such as natural cultures found in yogurt, may reduce coughing and other symptoms caused by allergies, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Sinus Rinses
Coughs caused by allergies may be relieved by sinus rinses with a saline solution that use either a neti pot or a squeeze bottle to shoot a stream of solution through the nasal passages to loosen mucus.
Breathing in the steam from a hot bowl of water, a warm shower or a humidifier may relax the chest and loosen mucus that causes coughing.