African Herbal Weight Loss Remedies
Hoodia can be found on the shelves of almost any pharmacy today. The hoodia is a plant grown in the deserts of South Africa, which has become widely known for its appetite suppressant properties. In the early 1900s, a Dutch scientist noticed that tribesmen in South Africa consumed hoodia stems before engaging on hunting trips. This was done to ward off hunger, thus triggering interest and in-depth study of the plant. As it turns out, hoodia contains a molecule that acts on the body in a way similar to glucose--it triggers a reaction in the brain telling it that you are full. It should be noted that because of its glucose-like action on the body, consumption of hoodia may be dangerous to diabetics.
Irvingia Gabonensis
Irvingia gabonensis, or wild mango, is native to both West Africa and Southeast Asia and is gaining popularity for its many weight loss benefits. Irvingia inhibits amylase, which is an enzyme responsible converting consumed starches to sugar. It also inhibist glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme which converts glucose to fat. In addition, consumption of irvingia increases levels of adiponectin, a protein that regulates metabolism by controlling both regulation of glucose and the breakdown of fat. Recent studies conducted on subjects taking irvingia have shown decreases in hip and waist circumference and significant weight loss in as little as one month.
Buckthorn is found all over the globe, from Italy and Japan to Africa, as there are over 100 different varieties of the plant. Rhamnus prinoides is the variety of the plant found in Africa and has several uses there, one of which is to aid with digestion. Buckthorn bark, due to its fiber content is aged and used in laxatives and laxative teas. An interesting note about this variety is that in Africa, it's used as to flavor beers and wines and also to treat arthritis and various STDs.
Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema sylvestre can be found in both India and Africa and has been used for thousands of years in treatments for diabetes, due to its ability to inhibit sugar absorption and has been shown to decrease blood sugar levels over time. It is also being used as an ingredient in some all-natural weight loss medicines as gymnema has the ability to make sugar taste awful. Though is is not an appetite suppressant or metabolism regulator, it is used for curbing the desire to eat sweets and thus indirectly plays a role in weight loss.
These African herbs have been around for ages, but modern society is finally getting wind of the benefits that alternative medicines may provide in terms of weight loss. The next time you are in the store perusing the supplement aisle, pick up the latest weight loss supplements and read the ingredients. You may find that these cutting-edge modern weight loss aids contain African herbal ingredients that are anything but modern.