Ginkgo Biloba Side Effects & Benefits
According to the Mayo Clinic website (see Resources below), scientific studies shows that ginkgo biloba improves symptoms of early-stage Alzheimer's disease and multi-infarct dementia.
The Mayo Clinic also reports that ginkgo biloba improves symptoms of claudication, or leg pain due to clogged arteries. Ginkgo biloba may act as a blood thinner.
Additional Potential
Other benefits which ginkgo biloba shows promise in providing improvement in age-associated memory impairment, altitude sickness, asthma and diabetic retinopathy.
Side Effects
The most frequent side effects are gas, nausea and diarrhea. Dizziness and headaches also can occur.
Because of its possible blood-thinning properties, people taking anticoagulants should not take ginkgo biloba supplements.
Allergic Reaction
Rarely, people develop an allergy to ginkgo biloba.