How to Use Herbal Sinus Treatments
Things You'll Need
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Apple cider vinegar
- Fresh lemon juice
- Cayenne capsules
- Honey
- Cinnamon essential oil
- Clove essential oil
- Oregano essential oil
Perform a nasal rinse 1-3 times per day as an herbal sinus treatment. Combine 3 drops grapefruit seed extract with one cup lukewarm water. Mix well and using a nasal bulb or dropper, drip a few drops into each nostril as you lean your head back. Move your head back and forth, then move forward and blow your nose. You may feel the mixture going down the back of your throat but this is normal.
Use grapefruit seed extract internally, in addition to performing the herbal sinus rinse described above. Combine one drop of the liquid per ten pounds of body weight in a glass of juice or water and consume once per day. Grapefruit seed extract is a powerful natural antibiotic and makes a great herbal sinus treatment.
Drink apple cider vinegar as an herbal sinus treatment. Consume several glasses per day diluted in water. If you can't stomach the taste, you can find apple cider vinegar pills instead. Either way, this herbal sinus remedy will thin mucous, helping it drain more quickly, and unblock the sinuses.
Use hot water. Although not technically an herbal sinus treatment, it is an easy, natural way to clear the sinuses. Simply get into a hot shower and allow the water to run over your face for several minutes. Clear the sinuses afterward by blowing your nose. This treatment can be performed several times per day, any time the discomfort becomes unbearable.
Drink cayenne tea. It's not as bad as it sounds, and makes a great herbal sinus treatment. Combine two tablespoons fresh lemon juice, 1-2 capsules cayenne (break open and pour in contents), one tablespoon of honey, and one cup warm water. Stir to combine and drink warm. This herbal sinus remedy can be repeated twice per day, as necessary. However, the sinuses typically clear in a few hours after the first cup.
Use essential oils - some of the best herbal sinus remedies. Cinnamon, clove, and oregano are all antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. They will knock out sinus infection in no time, safely and naturally. Boil a pan of water, and add three drops of each essential oil. Inhale the steam, alternating breathing through your mouth and nose. Continue for five minutes, and be prepared to cough.