Natural Remedies for Dark Eye Circles
Possible Causes
Dark circles are the second most mentioned dermatological complaint, and can be caused by a variety of things. The skin around the eyes is the thinnest, and therefore more prone to injury. The underlying reason for dark circles is when blood collects in the tissue surrounding the eyes and pools there, causing dark areas similar to a bruise.
According to the Mayo Clinic some of the reasons for circles are:
Hereditary factors
Nasal problems
Sun exposure
Herbal Remedies
These simple, quick solutions are as near as the kitchen, are inexpensive and have been reputed to be effective in removing dark circles.
One way to diminish dark circles is to use cold tea bags. Chilling them in the freezer for a few minutes works well. Place them over both eyes for about 15 minutes. This usually shows results in about 20 days.
Olive oil is said to have good success for helping with dark circles. After cleansing the face, lightly pat a small amount around the eye and leave on overnight. Use the excess for the rest of the face as it is reputed to help enhance the skin's elasticity. Another variation of this is to mix a little lemon juice with the oil and dab around the eyes. Lemon is a natural skin lightener.
Chill two cucumber slices, place over eyes for approximately 15 minutes.
Peel and grate a piece of potato, rub around eyes and leave on 10 minutes. Rinse well and moisturize.
Crush mint leaves and apply by rubbing the leaves around the eyes and leave on for 15 minutes.
Over-the-Counter Treatments
For those who don't want to try alternative treatments or want to go the more conventional route, here are some suggestions:
Creams: Using creams with vitamins A, E and K have been known to lighten dark circles.
Sunscreen: Using sunscreen will help keep the skin protected and lessen the chance of damage to delicate eye tissue.
Concealers: these will work well if the correct shade is chosen and it is applied correctly.
When Over-the-Counter Does Not Work
Sometimes, herbal treatments and over-the-counter products do not work. This is when an individual must decide if they want to just live with the circles or get professional help. That is when a trip to the dermatologist or skin specialist is in order. What can they do for those dark eyes?
Laser resurfacing: This can be used to diminish dark circles. Often this requires several trips to the doctor's office to obtain the desired therapeutic effect.
Photofacial treatments:These are procedures using pulses of light that penetrate into the skin, resulting in a reduction of dark circles, because the treatment causes the blood vessels to constrict.
Chemical Peels: Have some success because they remove old layers of skin and expose new.
Fat and collagen injections: These can fill sunken eye areas, helping to eliminate the appearance of shadows around the eyes.
A visit to the doctor's office is wise, to determine if there's an underlying medical problem. Herbal treatments will take longer to work, because natural remedies are milder. Professional cosmetic treatments may be quicker, but some can have serious side effects.