Health Benefits of Seaweed Extract

Seaweed extract is gaining popularity for the many health benefits that this supplement offers, but it has been used for a very long time for its curative and health-giving properties.
  1. Joint Health

    • Studies show that seaweed extract can alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis by around 15%. Patients reported an improvement in mobility and a reduction in pain after taking the extract for three months.


    • Seaweed extract has a high mineral content and offers a rich source of iodine, as well as zinc, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium and calcium minerals. Added to your cooking, seaweed extract significantly increases the amount of fiber in the cooked food.

    Heart Health and Cancer Prevention

    • Seaweed extract can be beneficial for the heart by lowering cholesterol as well as improving circulation. There may also be benefits for blood pressure by substituting ground seaweed for salt in the diet. Seaweed extract is used to prevent the growth and spread of cancerous growths in the body.

    Weight Loss

    • Seaweed extract contains alginate, an odorless, tasteless active ingredient that increases metabolism, minimizing weight gain from high-fat, high-calorie foods.


    • The alginate in seaweed extract binds itself to radioactive materials and heavy metals, as well as free radicals and other toxins in the body. It then takes these out of the body with it when it is flushed from the system.


    • Seaweed contains seanol, a potent antioxidant many times more powerful than those contained in land-based plants. This antioxidant boosts energy and mental alertness.

    Immune System

    • Seaweed extract boosts the immune system, helping the body fight viral infections such as herpes. It is also beneficial for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

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