Yeast Infection Home Remedies
The more common types of yeast infections are mouth, nails, groin, and vagina. If left untreated, yeast infections will affect the rest of the body.
Yeast infections of the skin are easily mistaken for other skin disorders so be sure to check with your doctor. The primary indicator is generally an irritating itch.
Treating yeast infections at home is as simple as cooking your favorite dish. Like mom's good old-fashioned chicken soup for the common cold, this favorite can also work well for treating yeast.
Home remedies are extensive, inexpensive and simple to use. Generally home remedies as listed here do not have side effects.
Home remedies include common cooking ingredients such as oregano, garlic, cinnamon, and parsley. Eating plain yogurt three or four times a day is another common remedy, as is omitting sugar and yeast bearing foods such as bread.
Tea tree oil may be applied directly to the infected area. Using it in sensitive areas is not advised because tea tree oil burns.
Eating a diet of reduced sugar and yeast may help to prevent yeast infections. Include garlic, oregano, yogurt, and cinnamon as part of your meals to assist in balancing the system. Yogurt contains the probiotics necessary to create a healthy digestive system.
Consult a doctor for yeast infections that do not respond to home remedies...or for ones that keep coming back. In some cases, allergies do occur from the use of certain herbs and spices.
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