How to Take Rhodiola
Things You'll Need
- List of medications
- Rhodiola tablets or dried herb
- Water
- Teaspoon
- Mug
Explore the Possibilities of Taking Rhodiola
Compile a list of all medications, vitamins and supplements that you currently take. Rhodiola can act as a muscle relaxant and an antidepressant in some people. If you are already taking medications of this kind, it is important to be sure that you will not be getting too large a dose if you add Rhodiola to your regimen.
Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the possibilities of taking Rhodiola for depression, fibromyalgia, mononucleosis or just to feel more energetic. Each person has a different medical history and must be evaluated by a professional to know that Rhodiola is safe to take.
Choose the type of Rhodiola preparation you prefer. You can brew a tea out of the dried leaves and flowers or take a pill. Daily dosages range from 100 to 600 mg of the standardized extract. Your doctor should be involved in decisions regarding how much Rhodiola you take each day and when you take it.
Take the herb only as directed by your doctor, changing the dosage only with his permission. If you have forgotten to take your Rhodiola, wait until the next dose instead of doubling up.
Know the side effects of taking Rhodiola and all other medications and supplements you take. You may experience some restlessness and trouble sleeping when using this herb. Contact your doctor if the side effects begin to interfere with your regular activities.
Brew a Tea From the Dried Rhodiola Plant
Measure out 1 tsp. of the dried Rhodiola plant. You may use the leaves, flowers or both. Put the herb into a mug.
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over the dried herb. Let the tea steep for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how strong you like it.
Remove the leaves from the mug with your spoon or a strainer.
Drink the Rhodiola tea to reap the anti-aging and antioxidant benefits it carries.