How to Use Serrapeptase
Serrapeptase was originally found in the digestive tract of silk worms and is used in the digestive tract of humans for many different health benefits. The more research that is done on Serrapeptase, the more uses it seems to have. There is still much to be learned and there are studies currently ongoing to determine its overall effectiveness and side effects. Here are the essentials.
Consult your physician before taking Serrapeptase. Even though there is no know side effects or harmful drug interactions with Serrapeptase, there is still ongoing research concerning this health supplement. It is always a good idea to consult your physician before you begin to take any health supplement.
Use Serrapeptase as an anti-inflammatory. This is where Serrapeptase offers the most benefits. It is an ingredient in many anti-inflammatory medicines, such as aspirin and steroids, though it has so far shown to not have the possible side effects and drug interactions of these other medicines. One of the most common uses of Serrapeptase is in treating arthritis.
Use Serrapeptase to improve your cardiovascular system. Serrapeptase digests living tissue--this includes blood clots and arterial plaque. Doctors may recommend this health supplement in order to decrease the amount of plaque build-up on the walls of arteries that can eventually lead to stroke or heart attack.
Use Serrapeptase to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Serrapeptase can help relieve the body wide pain that accompanies Fibromyalgia. Serrapeptase can help to relieve the pain by reducing inflammation and consuming the dead tissue.
Follow the dosing guidelines of your physician. The dosing guidelines of Serrapeptase are not set in stone, which is another reason for you to consult your physician before using. The most common recommended dosage is to take one 15 mg capsule with an activity level of 30,000 I.U, three times per day on an empty stomach. You can also find capsules of 30 mg with an activity level of 60,000 I.U. for which you should take one capsule twice a day and on an empty stomach.