Amount of Fish Oil to Take Per Day
What are Omega-3 Oils?
Omega-3 oils are a type of essential fatty acid. They are considered essential because the body does not make them naturally. This is why they need to be taken in the form of fish or supplements. Most people don't eat enough fish to experience the benefits, as your body needs these oils daily.
Dosage for Healthy Adults
The American Heart Association recommends 1 gram per day of the fish oils EPA and DHA (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids) for healthy adults. Adults who have "elevated triglycerides may need two to four grams of EPA and DHA per day" (Consumer FAQ).
This amount should be broken up throughout the day. Before you start any sort of regimen, you should check with your physician, especially if you are taking any sort of medication, as omega-3 oils thin the blood.
Dosage for Illnesses
The American Heart Association (Fish and Omega-3) suggests a varied regimen for other illnesses. People with documented coronary heart disease should consume approximately 1 gram of EPA+DHA per day, preferably from oily fish. EPA+DHA supplements could be considered in consultation with a physician.
People needing triglyceride-lowering should consume two to four grams of EPA+DHA per day provided as capsules such as fish oil or omega-3 supplements under a physician's care.
The benefits of fish oil are improved brain functionality and visual health. The oil helps reduce inflammation, risk of stroke, heart disease and heart attacks. It also has been used to reduce LDL cholesterol levels ("bad cholesterol") and to treat mild depression (Stone, 1996).