How to Use Aloe Vera As A Natural Remedy
Things You'll Need
- An interest in learning more about Aloe Vera uses and Aloe Vera benefits.
Perhaps the most common use of Aloe Vera is as Aloe Vera Gel, a topical treatment for the skin. Soothing and cooling, in its gel form, Aloe Vera reduces inflammation upon contact, making it particularly useful for the topical treatment of scrapes, burns, psoriasis, sunburn, acne, hives, poison ivy, and other skin conditions. To obtain Aloe Vera gel directly from the Aloe Vera plant, you can snap open a leaf and squeeze the gel from the inner part of the leaf. Or, you can purchase Aloe Vera gel online or at many health food stores and other health oriented retailers. In fact, Aloe Vera gel is so popular for its soothing qualities that it is used as an ingredient in many different lotions, cosmetics, lip balms, moisturizers, sunscreens and other skin products.
People also consume Aloe Vera juice internally to obtain a number of other Aloe Vera benefits. When taken internally, Aloe Vera can act as a gentle laxative, easing constipation.
Some people also consume Aloe Vera internally for the treatment of Crohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases due to its soothing anti-inflammatory properties. (Aloe Vera is believed to possess anti-bacterial properties as well.)
Some promising scientific studies seem to indicate that Aloe Vera (taken internally) can help lower cholesterol, fight cancer and stabilize blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 Diabetes.
Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, Aloe Vera benefits are also said to include relief from arthritis pain.