How to Use Yohimbe Bark
Consult your doctor or a complementary medicine provider before adding yohimbe bark to your diet. Many users report benefits from taking the bark, but you should discuss any current health conditions with an expert.
Get yohimbe bark capsules, tablets, powder or extract from a health food store or from a vendor of herbal supplements. Compare different brands and different sources to determine the strength of the active compound. The Food and Drug Administration has tested widely available yohimbe products. They reported that few sold in retail outlets or through the Internet have any significant amount of the plant's main chemical compound.
Take yohimbe bark with meals. Start taking yohimbe bark at the lowest recommended strength for the form that you have chosen. Do not increase the amount per dose or the number of doses for at least 2 weeks. The manufacturer normally provides correct dosages for tablets and capsules.
Make yohimbe bark tea by steeping 4 to 5 teaspoons of bark or powder in one cup of water for 10 minutes. Drink the tea 3 times daily.
Consume 5 drops of yohimbe extract. Do this 3 times per day. If you do not experience discomforting side effects, increase your daily intake to the recommended maximum of 10 drops per dosage. Mix yohimbe bark powder in juice or other beverages that you normally consume.
Keep track of any side effects that you experience during the first 2 weeks. You may need to reduce your dosage or switch to a different form of yohimbe. If any of your side effects are intense or acute, seek medical assistance.