How to Use Honey to Heal a Burn

The power of raw honey is underestimated. Studies reveal that honey can be more effective for healing burns than modern medicine. Honey contains a plethora of vitamins and minerals. It's also a natural healer. Honey has antibacterial qualities that reduce infections. Microorganisms and bacteria are unable to grow in honey. Even the ancient Egyptians used honey for healing. The Greeks, Romans, and Chinese also understood the healing powers of honey. Studies show that by applying raw honey to superficial and partial thickness burns, honey can heal burns up to four days quicker.

Things You'll Need

  • Raw honey from health food store
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      Go to your neighborhood health food store and buy raw honey. Twenty ml (about one ounce)) of raw honey is enough to use on a 4"x4" dressing.

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      Use waterproof dressings. Absorbent dressings are less effective because they soak up the honey. Use adhesive tape or bandages to hold the dressings in place. When in place on the wound, honey will form hydrogen peroxide just like the kind bought in stores healing your burn.

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      Spread the honey on the dressing. Fill abscesses in the wound with honey. Gently put the dressing on the wound and tape into place. Change dressings up to three times a day. Don't change the dressing more than four times a day.

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