How to Use Natural Laxatives

Natural laxatives can be used for a couple of different reasons. If you feel bound up or irregular, you can use them to relieve yourself. Another reason is if you feel like you want to lose a couple of pounds quickly. Although the weight is mostly water weight, it works good enough to get you into a slightly smaller dress for a special occasion. This article explains the best ways to use natural laxatives.

Things You'll Need

  • Brewers yeast
  • prune juice
  • flaxseed
  • lemon juice
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      Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of Brewers Yeast on each meal of the day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). This is one of the natural laxatives that is also extremely good for the rest of your body as well.

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      Wash down each meal with 1 cup of prune juice. Natural laxatives don't always have to consist of drugs. In fact, prunes and prune juice is much more effective than many prescription methods.

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      Swallow 1 tablespoon of flaxseed after supper each night. You can eat this with your prune juice, or simply swallow it with a glass of water. It's up to you. Some people also sprinkle this on their food, but it works better if taken all at once after your big meal. All natural laxatives act differently when taken at various times.

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      Substitute hot water with a splash of lemon juice for your coffee or tea. For some reason, one of the best natural laxatives is lemon water. When the water is hot, it is a nice soothing drink for the morning or night.

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