What Is Avlimil?
Avlimil is a female libido supplement trademarked and registered by Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals. It is available at many websites because of its popularity, and costs significantly less than most pharmaceutical alternatives. It has overwhelmingly positive reviews from users, although doctors and researchers have questioned the validity of its effectiveness in trials.
Most medications and supplements for sexual purposes are for male use, so Avlimil's target audience of females is novel in itself. However, Avlimil is also hormone free, and uses no pharmaceuticals. Because of its all-natural ingredients, Avlimil offers a libido enhancer for women who are resistant to try prescription drugs for sexual issues.
Avlimil offers a libido enhancer for women that does not use mainstream medicine. Avlimil is nonhormonal, so it contains no estrogen, progesterone, testosterone or any steroid additives. It claims to enhance libido and sexual function by combining several natural ingredients known to enhance women's sexual lives.
A prescription is not necessary to get Avlimil. Avlimil is not a pharmaceutical, but a mixture of herbs and natural ingredients. Avlimil is non-synthetic and nonhormonal. Although it contains only natural ingredients, it can interact with or counteract a number of different medications. if you are considering Avlimil, discuss it with your doctor before beginning to take it, as natural does not mean without risk.
The studies proving Avlimil's effectiveness could be flawed. These studies involved a placebo that looked different than the Avlimil, so the placebo users could see they didn't have the Avlimil. Also, Avlimil's ingredients interact with other prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Consult a doctor or pharmacist to see if Avlimil will interact negatively with any current medications you are taking.
Avlimil contains a wide variety of natural herbs to boost female libido. Avlimil contains sage leaf (salvia officinalis), red raspberry leaf (rubus idaeus), kudzu root extract (isoflavones from pueraria Montana), red clover extract (trifolium pretense), capsicum pepper (capsicum annuum), black licorice root (glycyrrhiza glabra), bayberry fruit (Morella cerifera), damiana leaf (turnera diffusa), Valerian root (valeriana officinalis), ginger root (zingiber officinale) and black cohosh root (actaea racemosa). It contains only natural ingredients and has no side effects itself, although drug interactions are possible.